Creating Jobs at Accu-Cut carpet cutting machines

The employment rate is an interest to everyone here in America. We not only worry about ourselves but are generally concerned for the well-being of other Americans. To this date there are still 11 million Americans without jobs. With time and effort those numbers will dwindle down. I’m grateful that the unemployment rate has gone down since 2008. A staggering 818,000 people have gotten jobs and a reported 455,000 have joined the labor force. That’s just a start, it’s harder to come from the bottom and crawl your way to the top. Thankfully there’s a silver lining to every tragedy in life and no one is exempt to feel the fear of not being able to provide for their families.  As a nation we will rise and take back pieces that were lost or taken. Every day we see there’s more and more Hope. Slowly unemployment has decreased.  A large amount of jobs are available and that number is increasing every day. I was proud to learn that since November 7.4 million people have found work. Even with the government shutting down and cutting a lot of workers, our local governments have stepped in and created jobs for more than 14,000 out of work Americans.


Even our children are worried about the economy and want to help in any way they can. You see a lot of teenagers going to job fairs and hitting every fast food chain that they can find. We are slowly rebuilding our great country. It will take sheer will and determination to incline above all our obstacles. Please do not be discouraged when looking for a job. Though it may not be the title that you aimed for its still an opportunity to do something great. Accu-Cut takes pride in all of our employees and customers. We not only create jobs locally but also nationwide. We service our carpet cutting machines from one end of this country to the other. We must stand together to boost our economy, thinking not only for ourselves but for our nation. When looking at history we have learned that a house divided will fall, with strong hearts and brave people we shall conquer and rise to be great.