Here are some of the many benefits to owning an Accu-Cut machine:
DO MORE IN LESS TIME - An Accu-Cut machine saves plenty of time. The same amount of work that would be done on the floor can be done in about a third of the time. In some cases one person can do the job of 2 people, we have seen this a lot. This frees up time to make deliveries, do estimates, sell jobs, and be more efficient.
KEEP THE CARPET/VINYL CLEAN - When you roll the carpet or vinyl on an Accu-Cut you aren't picking up the dirt, oil, etc from the warehouse floor or from the ground outside thus reducing customer call backs after the install.
CUT IN A SMALLER AREA - During the recession some of our customers downsized to smaller buildings and had to lay people off. This essentially forced them to buy a carpet cutting machine. Once they had an Accu-Cut they realized that the same amount of work can be done in a shorter time and in a smaller area.
MEASURE ROLLS - The auto run feature on all of the Accu-Cut machines allow the user to measure out full rolls of carpet quicky and easily. This way you can detect if you are short for a job immediately and if you need to order more carpet or get credit back from the mill.
HAPPIER EMPLOYEES - Let's face it nobody wants to roll out carpet and vinyl on the floor. It's dirty, takes time and it's back-breaking work.
REDUCE WORKERS COMP CLAIMS - We had a customer purchase a machine because one of his people got hurt handling the carpet.
BE MORE ATTRACTIVE TO INSTALLERS - We once heard from a customer that the installers in his area would rather go to him to get work because the jobs were already cut up for them and the installers didn't have to cut it themselves like at a different store in the area.
ALWAYS SHOWS UP FOR WORK - Our machines always show up for work, never complain and don't ask for raises
CREATE SELLABLE CARPET REMNANTS FAST - We were at a store in florida that had incredible amount of carpet remnants that were not rolled face out or measured. Soon after they purchased an Accu-Cut machine they started back-rolling those pieces of carpet into sellable remnants.
KEEP BETTER INVENTORY - We heard from a store that it was sometimes difficult for the salespeople to confidently sell inventory that was in stock because they weren't always sure if the measurement on the tag was correct. The Accu-Cut allows someone to accurately measure inventory whether it is 15 rolls or 300 rolls.